I hope you’re well and looking forward to the launch of ‘The Watchtower’, the first adventure from ‘A Branching Narrative’, arriving on 10th September.
It seemed like a good idea to show everyone the first paragraph, which will give you a flavour for the quest in hand!
Remember, if you’d like to receive the full adventure (running to a massive 171 sections), you can sign up until September 9th using our opening offer!
A Branching Narrative:
The Watchtower
The tower is high, though it looked higher before you scaled the rock-face which supports it. You are the advance raider – sent to infiltrate and capture this strategic position, so your colleagues can pass safely through the gate below unnoticed. You have been chosen for your skills, and you must not fail.
It's a difficult task, but armed as you are with poison darts and poison tipped daggers, you have a fair chance of success.
You afford yourself a moment to wonder what you are doing. It’s possible, likely even, that this is a one-way mission, but you know what to do in these times of doubt; you think of your friend and of their fate. The anger builds inside, and you let it. You are here to avenge them.
You don’t know how many guards are in the tower, but a count of the windows indicates there’ll be three floors and the battlement outside to navigate. You will have to use your experience and cunning to overcome the obstacles before you.
You move into the shadows and wait. You can see the tower door, but it appears shut tight, and is the other side of a largish clearing.
What's your next move?
The options will be revealed on 10th September!
Speak soon and stay safe,