I hope everyone’s keeping well.
To recap: the first adventure goes out on 10th September, and is called ‘The Watchtower’ - which I think gives more than a little hint at exactly what you’re up against!
The initial ‘room’, which everyone will receive, takes place outside The Watchtower, with you trying to find a way in, and is 25 paragraphs long. The whole adventure runs to 177 paragraphs, which all paid subs will receive. If you’d like to receive the whole adventure, use the button below to sub using our opening offer - valid until September 9th!
The title of this adventure was inspired by my recent re-watch of the frankly awesome Battlestar Galactica - if you’ve seen the series, you’ll know what it references. No spoilers, please.
The rules will be similar to those of ‘Arcane Rites: Cult of the Pajoli’, if you’ve played that book. Don’t worry if you haven’t - I’ll be including the rules when I send the adventure out.
There’s one new rule that I’ll be adding - Surprise Attack - for those times someone doesn’t know you’re there! There’s also a new attribute - Power - which will be introduced in the ‘Innsmouth: The Stolen Child’ gamebook.
So, I hope that’s given you a little flavour of what’s to come - speak more, soon!
Cool, 50 more sections than expected!
Strange thought - how will the Adventures look printed?
Have you considered contacting the people who are running Internation Game book weekend which is starting this Friday to give you some publicity / interview.