You awake and everything is dark. The ground beneath you is cold and hard, and when you turn your hands over and press your fingers into it, it feels like stone. Not only, that, but your elbows scrape against more stone either side of you, and the air, well, there's nothing fresh about it.
You push yourself up onto your elbows, and the top of your head brushes the ceiling above. You raise your right hand and feel the stone above you. It's the same when you raise your knee and finally your foot. You are encased in stone.
Have you been buried alive? If so, there's little chance of getting out.
You lie back and press both arms against the coffin lid and push. It's hard work, but you do feel it shifting. Spurred on by the movement you redouble your efforts and slide the stone away, bracing yourself for the earth to fall in on you. Instead you see another ceiling, a proper ceiling, about ten feet above you, and from the movement of the light, you can tell torches are lighting the room.
Carefully, you sit up and look around.
You are in an underground burial chamber. There are five other sarcophagi in the room, all closed. There is a statue of a demon with a quill and a scroll on a circular plinth in the centre of the room. To the wall on your left is a chest, and opposite you is a large, unlit hearth. There is an iron door diagonally opposite you which reminds you of a cell door. Several pots are placed around the room. On the wall behind you is a statue of a knight, to the right of which is a font. Lastly, on the wall over to the right, is a closed wooden door.
You climb out of your sarcophagus. You are dressed in a simple gown, which has seen better days.
What would you like to do?
Entombed! will be released towards the end of November.
Speak soon,